API Reference

Pay Invoice V2

Pay invoice.



Due to the nature of the lightning network, payments can in rare cases take some time to be settled.

For this reason, this endpoint will return you in most cases a transaction with the status IN_FLIGHT.

To check if you invoice has been paid imediately or is in flight, you can check the value of the field settledDateUtc, if the value is 0, the invoice is IN_FLIGHT.

You can also check the value of:

  1. "transaction"."payment"."statusId": 1.
  2. "transaction"."payment"."status"."name": "IN_FLIGHT"



A POST call will be made to the webhookUrl when the payment change to SETTLED or FAILED .
The webhook will have the following body:

  "webhookSecret": string,
  "transaction": {
    "id": string,
    "createdAt": string,
    "accountId": string,
    "amount": int,
    "networkFee": int,
    "exchangeRateCurrencySats": int,
    "currencyID": int,
    "transactionTypeId": int,
    "payment": {
      "bolt11": string,
      "hash": string,
      "preImage": string,
      "memo": string,
      "amountMsat": int,
      "feeMsat": int,
      "paidMsat": int,
      "creationDateUtc": string,
      "settleDateUtc": string,
      "statusId": int,
      "failureId": int,
      "failureReason": {
        "id": int,
        "name": string,
        "description": string
      "status": {
        "id": int,
        "name": string,
        "description": string


Payment Status

Check the payment status table: payment-status-table

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!