Add Invoice with a mSat amount

Add invoice.



A best practice is to set a WebHookUrl and WebhookSecret when you create an Invoice.
This will allow us to notify you when the invoice is paid.

The secret is here to make sure that we are triggering your WebHook.
When you receive the WebHook, make sure that the secret match the one you gave us when created the invoice.


Webhook Body

If you set a WebHookUrl, this url will be called via a POST request with the following json body:

  "hash": string,
  "settledAtUtc": string,
  "receivedMsat": int,
  "transaction": {
    "id": string,
    "createdAt": string,
    "accountId": string,
    "amount": float,
    "networkFee": float,
    "exchangeRateCurrencySats": float,
    "currencyID": int,
    "transactionTypeId": int,
    "invoice": {
      "hash": string,
      "bolt11": string,
      "preImage": string,
      "memo": string,
      "creationDateUtc": string,
      "expiryDateUtc": string,
      "settleDateUtc": string,
      "amountMsat": int,
      "receiveMsat": int,
      "stateId": 1,
      "state": {
        "id": int,
        "name": sting,
        "description": string

Date example: "2022-11-09T21:33:47.48778Z"

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!