Create a lnurl string
Generate a reusable LNURL-pay string. The account tied to this LNURL is credited every time a payment is made to this static LNURL string
Every time someone pays this lnurl, you will be notified via the webhook.
The webhook has the following body:
"hash": string,
"settledAtUtc": string,
"receivedMsat": int,
"webhookSecret": string,
"transaction": {
"id": srting,
"createdAt": string,
"accountId": string,
"amount": float,
"networkFee": float,
"exchangeRateCurrencySats": float,
"currencyID": int,
"transactionTypeId": int,
"invoice": {
"hash": string,
"bolt11": string,
"preImage": sring,
"memo": string,
"creationDateUtc": string,
"expiryDateUtc": string,
"settleDateUtc": string,
"amountMsat": int,
"receiveMsat": int,
"stateId": int,
"state": {
"id": int,
"name": string,
"description": string
"lnurl": {
"id": string,
"accountId": string,
"amount": int,
"currencyId": int,
"k1": string,
"tag": "payRequest",
"lnurl": string,
"name": string || null,
"chargesRemaining": int,
"creationDateUtc": string,
"expirationDateUtc": string || null,
"successAction": null || null