API Reference

Authentication Token Details

Please refer to this page in order to see the compatibility between V1 and V2 Authentication Tokens.

Token V1 (soon to be deprecated)

  "exp": 1689789173, // time of token expiration in UNIX timestamp format
  "ID": "", // always empty
  "Type": "access", // type of token, can be ["access", "refresh"]
  "UserID": "<uuid-v4>", // ID of your IBEXHub user
  "Permissions": null, // always null
  "Pool": "IBEX_HUB" // service where this token is accepted

Token V2

  "jti": "<uuid-v4>", // unique token ID
  "sub": "<uuid-v4>", // ID of your IBEXHub user
  "iss": "IBEX_HUB", // service where this token is accepted
  "iat": 1689789173, // time of token creation in UNIX timestamp format
  "exp": 1689789173, // time of token expiration in UNIX timestamp format
  "tpe": "access", // type of token, can be ["access", "refresh"]
  "prm": {} // map of token permissions